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Web Development

Web Developer

What is Web Development?

Web development refers as a whole to the tasks linked with developing websites for hosting via the internet. The web development process includes web design, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting, and network security configuration, among other tasks.

In a broader sense, web development bound all the actions, updates, and operations required to build, maintain and manage a website to ensure its performance, user experience, and optimal speed. It is about building, programming, and maintaining a website and behind the scene work to make it look attractive. 

So in general web development includes:

  • Web Design
  • Web Programming
  • Web Publishing 
  • Database management 

Why is Web Development Important?

With the evolution of web media and advancement from print to web, all-sized companies need to have their existence in that E-Market. Conventional business owners nowadays fail to win those leads which are generated over the virtual shop environment, just because they don’t have a web or social media teams working for them. Many case studies prove that the market is captured by virtual webmasters who don’t have shops in the market but do online merchandising very effectively.

If you are a Business Owner and don’t have a website – then you NEED to think today as you are losing the deal – Someone is winning orders from my virtual market place and YOU don’t even know.

What is Web Design?

Web design governs everything involved with the visual aesthetics, graphics, and versatility of a website’s color scheme, layout, information flow, and everything else related to the visual and ocular aspects of the UI/UX (user interface and user experience). Some common skills and tools that distinguish the web designer from the web developer are:

  • Adobe Creative Suite (e.g., Photoshop, Illustrator) or other design software
  • Graphic design
  • UI (user interface) design
  • UX (user experience)  design
  • Logo design
  • Layout/format/Structure/Pattern
  • Placing call-to-action buttons
  • Branding
  • Wireframes, mock-ups, and storyboards
  • Color palettes or schemes
  • Typography

It is concerned with what the users actually see on their computer screen or mobile device. Through the use of color, images, typography, infographics and layout, they bring a digital experience to life.

Web designers are also familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It helps to be able to create live designs of a web app when sounding an idea to the team or fine-tune the UI/UX of an app. Web designers also often work with templating services like WordPress, Joomla or Drupal!, which allow you to create websites using themes and widgets without writing a single line of code. These are the best examples of CMS.

Web development

How does a Website Work?

At the most basic level, websites are collections of files and code stored on a server, which is linked to the internet. You access a website by loading it through a browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer), also known as the client. This pair forms the “server-client model.” Let’s consider how this works in action: let’s say your friend sends you a link to a horror video. When you click on the link, your web browser (the client) sends a request to the video website (the server) asking for the video file. The website’s server receives the request and sends the file to your computer.

The client-side and server side are referred to as the “front end” and the “back end,” respectively. Front-end web developers focus on a website’s client-side functions, while back-end web developers focus on a website’s server-side development. Full-stack developers work with just that — the “full stack” of development technologies — and have mastery of both front and back-end technologies.

Responsibilities of Web Developer 

A web developer’s job is to create websites. While their primary and important role is to make sure the website is visually appealing, attractive, and easy to navigate. Many web developers also superintend the website’s performance and holding capacity. Web development governs all the code that makes a website mark. It can be split into two categories, front-end, and back-end.

The front-end or client-side of an application is the code responsible for determining how the website will showcase the designs painted by a designer. The back-end or server side of an application is responsible for managing data within the database and serving that data to the front end to be displayed.  Web developer tasks will vary depending on the work situation, but day-to-day responsibilities might generally include:

  • Designing user interfaces and navigation menus
  • Writing and reviewing code for sites, typically HTML, XML, or JavaScript
  • Integrating multimedia content onto a site
  • Testing web applications
  • Troubleshooting problems with performance or user experience
  • Collaborating with designers, developers, and stakeholders

What does HTTP mean?

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connects you and your website request to the remote server that stores all website data. It is a protocol that explains how messages should be sent over the Internet. It allows you to jump between site pages and websites.

When you type a website into your web browser or search for something through a search engine, HTTP provides a framework so that the client (computer) and server can speak the same language when they make requests and responses to each other over the Internet. It is essentially referred to as the translator between you and the Internet as it reads your website request, reads the code sent back from the server, and translates it for you into the form of a website.

Web Development - Https protocol
Website coding

What is Coding?

Coding sites to write code for servers and applications using programming languages. They are called “languages” because they incorporate vocabulary and grammatical rules for communicating with computers. They also include special commands, abbreviations, and punctuation that can only be read by devices and programs.

All software is written in one coding language, but languages vary based on platform, operating system, and style.

What is Cybersecurity?

The malicious factors looking to find vulnerabilities in websites to expose private information steal data, and crash servers are known as viruses. Cybersecurity is the practice and action of securing and protecting data, networks, and computers from these threats.

The methods used by hackers are constantly advancing and progressing the ways, as are the security measures taken to defend against them. Failure to understand how your site could be targeted could result in disaster and calamity.

Web development -Cybersecurity

Types of Web Development

Some of these distinctions overlap, and web developers will often master multiple types of web development.

1. Front-end Development

Front-end developers work on the client/user-facing side of websites, programs, and software that users see. They design and develop the visual features, including the layout, navigation, graphics, and other prospects.

The primary job of these developers is to build and form interfaces that aid users in reaching their goals, which is why they also often have a hand in the user experience aspect of their projects.

2. Back-end Development

If the front end is what users see or the visual features, the back end is what they cannot. Back-end web developers work on the servers of websites, programs, and software to make sure everything works properly and effectively behind the scenes.

These developers work with servers, operating systems, APIs, and databases and manage the code for security, content, and site architecture/structure. They hook up with front-end developers to introduce their products to users.

3. Full Stack Development

Full-stack developers work in both the front-end and back-end sides of a website as they can design a website, application, or software program from start to finish. “Stack” refers to the different technologies that handle other functionalities and operations on the same website, like the server or interface.

This role is in-demand because full-stack developers require years in the field to gain the necessary experience. Their comprehensive knowledge helps them optimize performance, hook issues before they occur, and help team members understand different parts of a web service. 

4. Website Development

Website developers can be front-end, back-end, or full-stack developers. However, these professionals master building websites, unique to mobile applications, desktop software, or video games.

5. Desktop Development

Desktop developers specialize in building software applications that run locally on your device, rather than over the Internet in the web browser. Sometimes the skillset of these developers overlaps with that of web developers if an application can run both online and offline.

6. Mobile Development

Mobile developers build applications for devices such as smartphones or tablets. Mobile apps run much more adversely than other websites and software programs, thus demanding a set of development skills and knowledge of specialized programming languages.

7. Game Development

Game developers specialize in writing code for video games, including console games (Xbox, PlayStation, etc.), PC games, and mobile games.

8. Security Development

Security developers set up procedures and methods for the security of a software program. These developers typically work as hackers, trying to “break” websites to expose vulnerabilities and harm without intending harm. They also build systems that discover and eradicate security risks.

Website coding

How to become a Web Developer?

Formal education isn’t always necessary to become an entry-level web developer. Some web developers have an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in website design or computer science, but others teach themselves how to code and design websites. While earning a degree can make you a more competitive candidate, a strong portfolio can go a long way toward validating your skills to potential employers.

If you’re interested in becoming a web developer, here are some steps you can take.

1. Build web developer skills.

If you’re interested in a career as a web developer, these are some skills you can focus on to build a foundation.

Technical skills

  • Coding:

    Common programming languages include HTML, PHP, cascading style sheets, and JavaScript, Python, Java, or Ruby.

  • Responsive design:

    Developers should create and design sites that look as good on smartphones and tablets as they do on computer screens. Responsive design is very important.

  • Technical SEO:

    Technical SEO helps Search Engines crawl and index your website more effectively and is the most important part of SEO. The goal is to be found in search engines and improve ranking. Many factors of website design can affect the site’s search engine ranking. Mastering how search engines rank sites are useful in a developer’s work.

  • Version control:

    This lets you track and control changes to the source code without starting over from the beginning each time you run into a problem.

  • Visual design and graphics:

    How to use white space, choose fonts, and incorporate images could boost your marketability.

Workplace skills

  • Communication:

    Web developers devote time discussing design ideas with their clients and team members throughout the project.

  • Customer service:

    A web developer creates websites for the client to use and should remain client-focused in every condition.

  • Detail-oriented:

    Little details, like a small code change, can make a big difference in how a website performs.

  • Organization:

    Keeping track of deadlines, project tasks, and budgets is important if you want to complete a website design on time.

  • Problem-solving:

    Web developers often run into issues when designing websites. They should have the patience and ability to identify and fix problems in the design or coding and methodically solve them.

2. Consider a degree in computer science or web design.

While you don’t always need a degree to get a job in web development, it can certainly help. If you’re more interested in back-end web development, consider a degree program in computer science. If you feel more drawn to front-end development, you might opt for a degree in web design or user experience (UX).

3. Take a course in web development.

You can take a course to learn programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, or CSS, and then put what you learn into practice on your website and gain experience.

By completing an online course in web development, like Web Design, Basics of Web Development & Coding you can build skills while completing development projects for your portfolio.

Our Web Development Services include; 

We at Analytica Consultants help set up your website and get business leads routed to you in a smart and compelling way with the planning and implementation of our expert custom-made campaign.

Our services include but are not limited to:

Domain Name Registration & Website Hosting

Web Development (WordPress) & Maintenance

Web Designing & Graphics Designing

XML Sitemap & Site Security Creation

Website Indexation & Crawling Management

Keyword Optimization

Competition Analysis & Periodic Performance Reports

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