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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What is Search Engine Optimization

What is Search Engine Optimization? 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of ranking pages higher in search engines such as Google. SEO aims at lining up a website page with a search engine’s ranking algorithm and improving its internal and external aspects so it can be easily found, crawled, indexed, and surfaced for relevant queries. Search Engine Optimization increases website visibility when people search for products or services. The more the visibility of the website in search engines, the more the chances for the business to rise. 

In short, SEO ranks your website higher and brings more traffic to get you leads. SEO aims to give more organic searches to your website.

Organic search traffic and paid search traffic

In Google and other search engines like Bing, the result page often shows paid searches at the top of the page. It is followed by regular results which we call organic search results. Traffic that comes via website SEO is referred to as ‘organic traffic’. While traffic that comes via paid search is called ‘paid search traffic’. Paid search is referred to as Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Organic traffic is higher-quality traffic because users mostly search for top results, products, or services. 

How does the Search Engine Work?

Search engines are like libraries for the digital world and they store copies of web pages rather than copies of books. When you search for something in search engines, it quickly inspects all the web pages in its index and shows you the most relevant searches or results through the computer program known as an algorithm.

How search engine works

How does SEO Work?

Search engines use a set of rules or so-called algorithms to determine what pages to show for a searched query. These algorithms are complex and use hundreds of different ranking factors to determine rank. However, the following three indexes are most commonly used by search engines to determine their quality and ranking. These are;

  • Link

Links are votes of quality from other websites and they play an important role in determining the ranking of sites in Google. Sites acquiring links from other websites are more likely to rank faster in Google and other search engines. 

  • Content

In addition to links, search engines also analyze the quality content of a website for the searched query. Keywords play an extremely important role in content ranking and a large part of SEO relies on content targeting specifically to relevant keywords.   

  • Page structure

The third core component of SEO is page structure because webpages are written in HTML (HyperText Markup Language). The structure of this HTML code plays an important part in the search engine’s ability to value a page. Relevant keywords in the title, URL, and easy crawling play together for a site to rank.

So how does Google determine which page to show in the search engine result page (SERP) from any query is:

  • Google’s search crawlers continuously scan the web, collecting, categorizing, and saving billions of web pages in its index. When you search for something and Google brings up results, it is drawing from its index, not the web itself.
  • Google uses a complex formula known as an algorithm to order the results based on several indicators. It includes content quality, its relevance to the searched query, the website it belongs to, and a lot more. 

How people interact with results then further suggests to Google the needs that each page is satisfying, which algorithm also considers.

How google bots crawl page

Search Engine Optimization Ranking Factors

Well, there are hundreds of ranking factors that together play an important part in ranking your web pages. Google is continuously refining them in its algorithm to show the best results. Following are some top-ranking factors:

  • Regular publication of high-quality content
  • Keywords in the meta title
  • Backlinks
  • Internal links
  • Compatibility with mobile and all other user-friendly devices
  • Page speed
  • SSL certificate
  • Structured data
  • Keywords in URL 
  • Keywords in H1

Why is SEO Important for Marketing?

SEO is an elementary part of digital marketing because search engine users conduct millions of searches every year intending to find services or product information. Search is often a key source of digital traffic and supplements other marketing channels. Greater visibility and a higher ranking of your website have a material impact on your business’s bottom line. 

Search results have been progressing over the past few years rapidly. They give the quickest information or answers that are more likely to keep users on the result page than deviating from other websites. In short, SEO is the base of the integrated digital marketing world. 

Why is SEO important for marketing

Search Engine Optimization Techniques

While there is a way to boost results, it is almost impossible to fully control search algorithms. Businesses more frequently depend on the shortest pathways toward idealized results with minimal effort, but SEO requires a lot of action and time. There is no SEO strategy where you can change something today or tomorrow. SEO is a long-term project, with day-to-day action and continuous effort.

The key conception of how search engines work is only the first step of the process of improving a site’s search rankings. Improving a site’s rank involves tackling various SEO techniques to boost the site for search:

I.   Keyword research:

Keyword research is the starting point of the SEO journey and its importance in ranking factors cannot be denied. Keywords are important in the Digital world as they boost your website ranking and bring the targeted audience to your website. Poor-performing keywords subordinate your website ranking. Keyword research involves exploring the keywords for which the site is ranking, keywords used by competitors, and those which are searched by potential customers.

Identify the terms that searchers use in Google search and other search engines. It will give you direction on how to optimize active content and create new one.

Content forms

II.   Content Marketing:

Once you identify keywords, content marketing comes into play. Content marketing is about updating and boosting the previous content of a site and creating brand-new quality content. It includes everything to do with the writing and structuring of content on your website. Without content, your site can’t rank in search engines. Content SEO is important because search engines, such as Google, read your website, so the words you use on your site determine whether or not your site will rank in their results pages.

Because Google and other search engines prefer premium quality content, it is important to search for the already existing content and place unique quality content that offers a positive user experience. Good content has more chances of being shared on social media platforms.

III.   On-page Optimization:

Improving the actual structure of a page can have enormous benefits for SEO. This factor is entirely controlled by the webmaster. Common on-page optimization factors involve optimizing the keywords in the URL, updating the title tag and using relevant search terms, and using an image that reflects all the attributes of content precisely. Updating the meta tags can be advantageous because they actively increase the click-through rate.

IV.   Link Building:

Links from external websites are known as backlinks. A backlink is a core ranking factor in Google and other search engines, obtaining high-quality backlinks is a key to success in SEO.  Link building involves promoting the content of a website, reaching out to other websites and establishing relationships with webmasters, submitting websites to relevant web directories, and getting the press to attract links from other websites.

V.   Site Structure Optimization:

Internal links are equally important. Site SEO involves ensuring all the pages are linked to each other and relevant anchor text is used in those links to improve page relevance for precise keywords.

VI.   Technical Optimization:

Technical SEO optimization is done on the back end of a website to make sure it meets Google site security and user experience requirements specifically. Some of the technical terms you must take care of our page speed, security, mobile friendliness, core web vitals, URL structure, and site structure.

SEO Tools:

There are many tools and software that SEO counts on to help boost the page and website. Following are some free and most commonly used tools.

I.   Google search console

Search Console tools and graphs help you to measure your site’s search traffic and performance. It fixes website issues and makes the website look brighter in search engines. Google Search Console provides the necessary data to track website performance in search and improve search ranking. Total clicks, impressions, average CTR, and average position are displayed in the performance report. It gives you detailed information and ideas on how your website is doing.

II.   Google keywords planner

Google Keyword Planner is another free tool provided by Google as a part of Google Ads. It is the best tool for keyword suggestion and search volume that is helpful in keyword research. 

Google Ads/AdWords

III.   Backlink analysis tools

There are several analysis tools, the two primaries being AHREFs and Majestic. The backlink analysis tools allow users to analyze other websites linking to their websites. Also, the competitors’ websites can help find new links. 

IV.   SEO platforms

Many different SEO platforms unify many tools that SEO needs to optimize and boost sites. Some of the most popular include Siteimprove, Moz, BrightEdge, and Linkdex. These platforms stalk keyword rankings, help with keyword research, pinpoint on-page and off-page SEO events, and many other functions related to SEO.  

V.   Social media

Social media platforms have no direct influence on SEO but they play an important role in link-building and establishing relationships with masters.

Social Media Platforms

Benefits and Importance of SEO

SEO is a top digital marketing strategy to make the business visible to web users. SEO has a huge impact on your company growth goals like it increases your sales. Following are some top benefits of SEO.

  • SEO is 24/7 promotion of your website

Search Engine optimization effort does not stop after working hours and content does not disappear from websites after your budget runs out. Ranking achieved through SEO promotes your website 24 hours taking the advantage of searches that users conduct every second on Google. SEO helps you reach the targeted audience as well.

  • SEO Improves site user experience

Understanding what objectives users or customers are looking for is important. This is not a one-time exercise because customers’ perspectives for searched objects change continuously with time. If potential customers do not find what they want, they will exit your site instantly and maybe won’t come back again. Even Google constantly updates ranking factors and it continuously monitors user behavior. So SEO makes your website user-friendly. 

  • Brings customers through organic search results

While many marketing campaigns tend to focus on a defined target audience, SEO can help you attract anyone with intent at a given point in time, no matter what stage of the customer funnel they are in. If you target keywords rather than demographics as you might with PPC or social advertising, you can attract more prospects who may be interested in doing business with you.

  • SEO is a long-term marketing strategy

While quality SEO often comes up with significant business impact, SEO efforts will complex over time, leading to boost results for several years. The magnitude of SEO results and ROI harmonize the budget, effort, and time committed to it. If an SEO company promises instantaneous results, be wary.

Implementing thoughtful SEO strategies – such as content creation and on-page optimization – and mastering Google’s algorithm takes dedicated time. To see the best results of incorporating SEO into your digital marketing strategy, be prepared to view SEO as an investment with remarkable long-term returns.

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